See our Homepage for Flyers and Information.
Please be reminded:
1. In order to pick up a child, you must be on the approved pick up list. You must also have a picture ID and pick up pass. If you are not a parent or guardian, we must have a written note from the parent/legal guardian sent to the school that morning.
2. We do not allow backpacks or Kinder-Mats at PKS.
3. The carline runs from 7:15 until 7:55 each morning. After the staff enters the building, the parent must bring the child in and sign them in through the front office.
4. Please do not send your child with colored hair in kindergarten. Your child is perfect just the way they are. If your child comes to school with colored hair, you will be called to come and pick them up from school.
5. No cell phones, electronic devices or toys brought to school.
6. If you ever have a concern about an issue or academics, please contact your child's teacher to set up a conference. You can do this through REMIND or call our front office to make an appointment.
7. We are a Title I School. We have a Title I Parental Involvement Center. This center has lots of games that you can check out to help your child at home. If you are interested, please come by or send a note to your child's teacher. We also have a Parent Liaison, Susan Armstrong. You can contact her at 334-361-3890 for assistance.
8. ATTENDANCE is crucial for success and first grade readiness. If your child is out of school, please send in a written excuse. Please remember to send a doctor's note when possible. Each child is only allowed 10 parent excuses. After that, excuses must be from a doctor in order to be excused. Unexcused absences will result in truancy issues.
9. Your support in involvement is always appreciated. Let's work together to make this a very positive year together!